examples of noun phrase as objectexamples of noun phrase as object
What is a Predicate Adjective? A noun phrase is consisted of at least two words. In these examples of noun phrases, the noun is shaded. Here big blue candles is the noun phrase working as direct object since it receives the action of the verb love. An indirect object identifies the person to whom or for whom a verb action is done. The subject of a sentence identifies who does the action of the verb: The yellow tennis ball flew across the court. In addition to teaching in North America, Dr. Hedi Najafi has taught in many institutions of higher education around the world. provides open learning resources for your academics, careers, intellectual development, and other wisdom related purposes. by 11) The directions on the box are easy to follow. They add details, such as where something is or when an event occurred. For example, it can be: Noun phrases are vital for writing effectively. However, there is no limit on how long a noun phrase should be. April 14, 2019, 7:30 pm, by Sometimes part of the noun phrase is delayed until the end of the sentence so that that portion of the phrase (usually modifying phrases participial or prepositional) can receive end weight or focus. For example, it is easy to violate the subject-verb agreement in the following sentences. A compliment gives details about a noun. What are noun phrases? Hopper, Paul J. Noun phrases can have several uses in a clause/sentence. The noun phrase your dog is the indirect object of the sentence (see part 4 for more on indirect objects). A noun phrase is a phrase that has a noun as its head word and one or both of a premodifier and a postmodifier. Examples of nouns and noun phrases as object complements include the following: Brinton, Laurel J. 'Pen' is a noun. In a sentence, the direct object is the noun or noun phrase that's receiving the action of the verb. A noun phrase can be a subject: 2. How do we know that 'tree' is the main noun? 2 - Use noun phrases to discuss the alpaca. In addition, she has several certificates and certifications such as Tesol Ontario, Laubach Literacy of Canada Tutor Certificate, and Financial Markets from Yale. - Definition & Examples, What is an Imperative Verb? Premodifiers come before a noun and are usually made up of determiners, adjectives, and nouns. A gerund is a verb that ends in -ing and functions as a noun or object. Which of the following is a type of noun phrase. Similarly, a gerund phrase is a phrase made up of a gerundplus any associated objects or modifiers (Example: Eating an entire pizza ). The object relative pronouns for things are which, that. Verb Phrase Overview & Examples | What is a Verb Phrase? Nouns, pronouns, and noun phrases frequently function as object complements in English. A direct object may appear as a noun, pronoun, or a compound noun in a sentence. Heather Marie Kosur This group of words will be the noun phrase of the sentence. In some sentences, noun phrases can be subject complements. the tower on the hill. Words like anybody, everyone, someone, and nothing are good examples of indefinite pronouns. Make sure to test whether the noun adds more information to another noun or if it is the noun that the other elements work to define. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you But when we say a green gel pen we are adding specific details to the pen. Here the wooden fence is the noun phrase and across is the preposition. Huddleston, Rodney. They call them 'single-word noun phrases'. Participles and participial phrases must be placed as close to the nouns or pronouns they modify . a noun (a proper noun e.g. The subject is most often a noun phrase, but it can also be a noun clause, or rarely, a prepositional phrase. Free and expert-verified textbook solutions. This is a noun . Here the beautiful scenery is the noun phrase which acts as a direct object of the verb drew. Fig. Multifunctional Nouns Nouns Used as Verbs. Determiners might seem insignificant, but they are paramount to expressing the kind of reference the noun phrase makes. The indirect object of a verb receives the direct object. Here are some other examples where noun phrases act as subjects, objects, and complements: The woman has nice hair, but she has iron teeth. Noun Phrase: Noun [the children in class 5] Verb Phrase: Verb [play the piano] Adjective Phrase: Adjective [delighted to meet you] Adverb Phrase: Adverb [very . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 1. True or false, noun phrases can act as the objectof a sentence? A determiner clarifies/describes a noun. When a noun phrase receives the direct action of a verb it works as a direct object. NPE is analogous to the phenomenon known as English Gapping, which occurs when a clause is missing a particular phrase but is otherwise understood to be in grammatical form. A noun phrase consists of the head noun and its pre- and post- modifiers. Specifically, they can be used as the subject or object. 14) Water every day when the top inch of soil feels dry. A participial phrase consists of a participle plus modifier (s), object (s), and/or complement (s). A Noun Phrase is a group of words that operate as a noun in terms of grammar. Can you identify the general postmodifiers in these sentences? But how would we make it into an expanded noun phrase? 3 - The noun phrase 'high school diploma' specifies the type of diploma the students receive. Required fields are marked *. She also has an M.A. Sue passed Ann the ball. Noun phrases are the most complex of all phrases: they come with wider variety of premodifiers and postmodifiers than other phrases. Complements include prepositional phrases or clauses and are placed immediately after the noun. An expanded noun phrase is a noun phrase that includes additional words, such as adjectives, prepositional phrases, or relative clauses, to provide more information and detail about the noun it modifies. A noun phrase can act as the subject, object or complement of a sentence. Hedi Najafi earned her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Arizona State University. You need to identify the head noun first. For example, 'Scotland will be testing a four-day week', not 'Scotland will be testing a four-days week'. Noun phrases are also called noun clauses. Modifier Examples & Types | What is a Modifier? A noun phrase is a phrase that consists of a noun plus any modifiers, complements, or determiners. Heather Marie Kosur Note that the indirect object comes between the verb and the direct object. - Definition & Examples, What Are Correlative Conjunctions? Understand the definition of noun phrases, learn to identify them in a sentence, study their function, and see examples of noun phrases. The direct object is book, and it directly receives the action of the verb bought The phrase for the whole class also becomes part of the noun phrase. By doing this, you are able to pinpoint . Expanded noun phrases provide additional information in a sentence. Determiners answer questions such as Which one?, Whose?, How many?, or How much?. When you start a sentence with a noun phrase, and that noun phrase performs the action in the sentence, its functioning as the subject of the sentence. In another article, we explain direct objects. Let's break down this definition to understand it better. Since both phrases work with 'He puts the keys .', this is a good sign that the last part of the sentence is a prepositional phrase. A noun phrases is a phrase that functions in the same way as a noun. A Noun Phrase is a group of meaningful words behaving like a Noun. Many people want to live quiet, peaceful lives. However, there is no limit to how long a noun phrase should be. Because the spine gives extra detail about the book rather than the other way around. The modifiers will always be around it. A noun phrase always includes a noun, which is a person, place, or thing; or a . What is a Prepositional Phrase? This expanded noun phrase contains the main noun 'business' and three premodifiers. Noun phrase can act as an object in a sentence. 1984. For instance, noun phrases can help create a variety of sentence types, make writings less wordy, and make sentences more interesting to read. A beautiful house is the noun phrase functioning as the object of the preposition in. As their name suggests, they complement the noun. A prepositional object refers to a pronoun, noun, or noun phrase that precedes a preposition in a sentence. A noun phrase refers to words that work the same way as a noun. Thank you so much for your article. In this case, the nouns doctor, drugs, and hospital represent the names of a person, thing, and place, respectively. - Definition & Examples, What Are Singular Verbs? When we look at the structure of writing, we treat a noun phrase the same way we treat a common noun. Adjective Clause Overview & Examples | What is an Adjective Clause? The verb in this sentence is cooked, and the object that is being cooked is a meal. The rest of the phrase for ten people creates a noun phrase that acts as a direct object. this, that, these, those. Postmodifiers are describing words that come after a noun. Most common nouns in English are countablethat is, they have both singular and plural forms. Examples of a Noun Phrase as an Object. A noun phrase is a group of words that acts as a noun. Some of the most common functions of noun phrases are listed below. Heather Marie Kosur Here, the four words a good pop song work together as a noun phrase. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed directly in front of nouns. It comprises of a noun/ pronoun and other modifiers. Prepositional Phrases. No matter which type of noun phrase you want to use, youll have to find the right spot for it in a sentence. John drives to a dirty home daily. A good example of the German phenomenon known as Noun Phrase Ellipsis can be seen in the process described in sentences (a-e) and (f-i) (NPE). Determiners will usually come first in a noun phrase (e.g. They tend to explain specific attributes of the noun, such as material, era, type, texture etc. Has and eaten are verbs. What are the uses of a noun phrase in a sentence? Noun clauses also begin with relative pronouns (who, whom, that, which, whose), while noun phrases usually begin with the noun or pronoun that theyre modifying. You will quickly note that many nouns have articles (a, an, the) attached to them. Usually, a noun phrase is built up around a single headwordwhich is obviously a nounand any associated modifiers that tells which noun we are talking about. In both of these sentences, the noun phrase is the subject of the sentence and is completing the action. In example three, the infinitive phrase is "to clean up the park." It is acting as the direct object of "help." The infinitive phrase also functions as a direct object in the fourth sentence. | Absolute Phrase, Modifier & Noun Examples. It is the complement as it adds necessary information. In grammar, an object complement is a word, phrase, or clause that directly follows and describes or completes the direct object. He threw the yellow tennis ball across the court. Added 17 minutes 51 seconds ago|2/28/2023 7:19:11 PM The use of noun phrases in writings is one way to create a variety of sentence types. What is an Absolute Phrase? Examples:-. An example includes: The blue ball rolled along the pavement. Pen is a noun. Here the wild pig is a noun phrase.But it is not an object. Complements are necessary to complete the meaning of a sentence but general postmodifiers are not. These phrases are the most commonly used phrases. - Definition & Examples, What is a Predicate Nominative? Modifiers are words such as articles, adjectives and prepositions which add detail to the head noun. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. They call them 'single-word noun phrases'. Noun Plurals; 2. The determiner all answers the question How many children? The noun phrase all children is the subject of the sentence. In a noun phrase, these modifiers may be different types of phrases, including prepositional phrases and participial phrases. some, any, all, enough, no, every. - Definition & Examples, What Are Action Words? Nouns and pronouns act as a role of objects in a sentence, and both can also be direct and indirect objects in a sentence. One word has an influence, while the other has a result. 2010. Typically a predicate is everything in the clause except the subject. Best study tips and tricks for your exams. There can be any number of modifiers before and after the heading noun in a noun phrase. This sentence has a noun phrase that is headed by the noun. Margaret has taught both college and high school English and has a master's degree in English from Mississippi State University. There are some nouns which can also be used . What is an Introductory Prepositional Phrase? 'With a blue spine' is the postmodifier (modifier that comes after the head noun). The noun phrase in the sentence is "a dirty home" The preposition is "to.". A noun is a naming word that is used to represent a person, place, animal, thing or idea. Fig. Most often, these modifiers will be adjectives, articles, and prepositional phrases. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ("A" and "of them" are modifiers.) a.A noun phrase is a group of words that work together to name and describe a person, place, thing, or idea. In sentence 2, the noun phrase is correctly formed, but it's a bit unclear whether you . Heather Marie Kosur Clause Types & Examples | What is a Clause in a Sentence? A participle is a verbal ending in -ing (present) or -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, or -ne (past) that functions as an adjective, modifying a noun or pronoun. 'the pink skirt'). & Donna M. Brinton. The four nouns in this sentence are a person, thing, place and idea, respectively. A prepositional object refers to a pronoun, noun, or noun phrase that precedes a preposition in a sentence. Any other nouns will simply add detail to the main noun. Conclusion:Noun phrases can act as objects like the nouns do.They can be direct or indirect in acting as an object.They can also be objects of prepositions. The determiner these describes the noun and forms the noun phrase these girls.. Marie brought what? When a noun phrase acts as an object of preposition,it follows a preposition. All children should have access to a free education. But, that noun may be described by adding modifiers, and adding modifiers to a noun creates a noun phrase. - Definition & Examples, What Are Compound Adjectives? Once you have identified the noun, it is easy to identify the modifiers. The is a modifier that has preceded the noun man. Noun phrases typically consist of two or more words, including a noun, and other words that modify the noun, such as an article (e.g. Noun phrase is a collection of words that does not include a finite verb (e.g., 'The brilliant school boys'). For example, we can also say 'He puts the keys on the table'. A noun refers to the name of a thing, place, or person. True or false, noun phrases can act as the subjectof a sentence? At the zoo, I saw a striped zebra. grammatical functionnounnoun phraseobject complementpronoun, by I don't know where to go. The noun is used to identify a person, place, thing or idea. A noun phrase must have a noun on which other modifiers are connected. Also correct compliment to complement for verbs with incomplete predication. An error occurred trying to load this video. 13) The key to growing great tomatoes is lots of sunshine and good soil. . What is Subjunctive Mood? A noun phrase is a group of words that function as nouns. a tree. The first time that I voted was in 1982. Phrasal Verbs Overview, Types & Examples | What are Phrasal Verbs? A Noun phrase is a collection of words that does not include a finite verb i.e. It is used as a Subject or an Object. An indirect object receives the direct object. In this post, you will find 100 important examples of noun phrases. The possessive determiner 'my' and the adjectives 'interesting' and 'profitable' act as its premodifiers. 7 Position after a linking verb or intensive verb = Complement of . Nouns Used as an Object Complement. Preposition Basics. An adjective = a word that describes a noun or pronoun. A noun is a word or a phrase that gives a name of a person, a place, an animal, an event, an action, an idea, etc. They tend to be longer and more descriptive. Cooking spaghetti is an easy task.. By definition, verbs are words that portray an action or state of being. Subject Complement | What is a Subject Complement? By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. Nouns as Objects. A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and a noun or pronoun that acts as the object of the preposition. A noun phrase is a group of words that functions like a noun. While the typical object is a pronoun, noun, or noun phrase, objects can also appear as other syntactic categories, as illustrated in the following table for the English language: Category Example Noun (phrase) or pronoun: The girl ate fruit. An article is always connected to a noun, and so when one is used it is always part of a noun phrase. April 14, 2019, 7:30 pm, by Subject complement refers to words, phrases, and clauses that come after the linking verb and expounds or modifies a sentence's subject. Cooking when used without context is considered to be a verb.But in the example above, cooking is a transitive verb that is followed by the direct object, spaghetti. When we look at the structure of writing, we treat a noun phrase the same way we treat a common noun. & Donna M. Brinton. ; In the sentence above, the direct object of the verb chose is the infinitive phrase to photograph. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. All rights reserved. Lies Your Grammar Teacher Told You: Nouns and Adjectives. An expanded noun phrase is made up of the head noun and one or more modifiers. When a noun is used to describe another type of noun. Noun phrases as direct objects are similar to noun objects; they are the receivers of the action in a sentence. See examples in this study! In the sentence below, the noun phrase functions as indirect object: A noun phrase can also act as a complement. 1. The Object Of A Sentence. Adjectives are parts of speech which are meant to define and add detail to a noun. This noun phrase has two adjectives: quiet and peaceful. Even though a gerund is made out of a verb, gerunds and entire gerund phrases actually behave like . It will either be a noun or a pronoun. What position do general postmodifiers usually take? The object of a preposition is necessary because prepositions are inherently relational, and therefore require objects (though not necessarily subjects) to make sense. . Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. A noun phrase is a group of words that function as nouns. This is especially important when the noun phrase is the subject of the sentence. Which of these is a premodifier? If the sentence still makes sense then this is probably a noun phrase. Like nouns, noun phrases can be the subject in a sentence. a, an, the), a quantifier (a number), or a possessive (e.g. In this noun phrase, there is an article the, which is joined to the noun office. The subject in this sentence is the office. Examples: We named our dog, Shadow. Here the child is the noun phrase which acts as an indirect object.Notice that the noun phrase a blue doll is a direct object here. Now, this is an expanded noun phrase because we have added the adjective 'brown', which adds further detail. 2) The kids in the pool are having fun. Will you pass the quiz? Here the new neighbour is the noun phrase which acts as an object of the preposition about. The headword (noun) in the following examples are in bold. Let's take a look at some different types of noun phrases. With the help of noun prepositional phrase examples we shall get to know more about them in detail. A rise in house prices (prepositional phrase = 'in house prices'), A feeling of uncontrollable excitement (prepositional phrase = 'of uncontrollable excitement), The notion that the government should take immediate action (clause = 'that the government should take immediate action '). New York is a big city. A noun phrase features a noun, pronoun, and other modifiers. Premodifiers are placed before the noun and postmodifiers after the noun. But when we say 'a green gel pen' we are adding specific details to the pen. - Definition & Examples, What is an Abstract Noun? Although the most used subject complements are nouns and adjectives, there are more other forms of grammatical . In grammar, a direct object is a word, phrase, or clause that follows and receives the action of a transitive verb. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. All, the, and dark are determiners and chocolate is a noun.Thus all the dark chocolate forms another noun phrase in the sentence. Noun phrases typically consist of two or more words, including a noun, and other words that modify the noun, such as an article (e.g. Noun . The noun phrase a wide, open sea gives us more information about the sailors best friend, the sea. A gerund is a verb ending with -ing, but, it works as a noun and can act as a subject, object, or complement in a sentence.Meanwhile, a phrase is a group of words that contains either a subject (noun) or a verb but not both. Noun phrases can also function as the object in a sentence when they receive the action from the subject. Yes, you could say that. the man. They are made up of the main noun and one or more adjectives, pronouns, or prepositions which are meant to add further description. In this example, the noun phrase contains a noun (river) and an article (the). The indirect object is the noun phrase, in this case, is weak, sickly grandmother, and it receives the food. 4. Many nouns have both countable and non-countable uses . Unlike single-word nouns, noun phrases can be made up of several words and do not require articles such as a and the. They can include determiners or adjectives and for this reason, these types of phrases are often referred to as determiners or adjectival phrases. (In this example, "the" is a modifier.) On the shelf is the best place to keep this glass vase. Let's look at some example sentences to see if you can identify the noun phrase in each. Indirect Object. In this example, the head noun (or main noun) is 'puppy', and its modifiers are the article 'the' and the adjective 'spotted'. Heather Marie Kosur the cheerful doggie. A noun phrase consists of two or more words that act as the noun in the sentence. Noun phrases generally serve similar purposes as a noun. Each adjective modifies the noun lives. A noun phrase is consisted of at least two words, i.e., one modifier and one noun. Sara baked a red velvet cake. 100+ Noun Examples; 1. It acts as anobject.Object of the verb bake. 'The brown, smiling, curious alpaca'. 1999. I think theres a good pop song in pretty much anything-Kesha, pop singer. Heather Marie Kosur Try replacing the noun phrase with a pronoun. Adverbials can be grouped in different ways, such as adverbials of time, place, manner, frequency and number. Incorrect example: The color of your boots are different. Noun phrases can act as a subject, a direct object, an indirect object, a compliment, and a prepositional object. All the words underlined in red should be checked for spelling. It can be a subject or object/complement of a verb. What Is a Gerund Phrase? Under the table is where your book was lying. Polish named Julie the new Officer. This expanded noun phrase contains several adjectives that add more and more layers of detail to the noun. For example: The candidate who more votes gets become the president. A noun phrase, or nominal (phrase), is a phrase that has a noun or pronoun as its head or performs the same grammatical function as a noun. A singular noun phrase is a phrase that only contains one word, which must be a noun or a pronoun. October 12, 2013, 12:00 pm, by May 1, 2019, 11:00 am, by She has been teaching ESL, English, General Education, and Educational Leadership courses for the past twenty years. 'The blue ball' is the noun phrase which acts as the subject of the sentence. These phrases are also known as gerund phrases, but they always function as nouns. All the dark chocolate is the noun phrase which acts as an object here.It receives the action of the verb eaten. In this sentence your is clarifying to which dog Max gave a biscuit to. A noun phrase is a group of two or more words headed by a noun that includes modifiers. Your email address will not be published. A subject complement can be a noun or noun phrase. An example of a noun phrase as a direct object. How would you describe the picture below? March 9, 2013, 12:00 pm. It comprises of a noun/ pronoun and other modifiers. A compliment re-states or gives more information about a noun. Possessive determiners, e.g. Some linguists consider single nouns to be noun phrases too. Designing clothes is what I loveit's receiving the action. The post-Head string, in these examples, is called the DIRECT OBJECT. Heather Marie Kosur Before a noun phrase because we have added the adjective 'brown ', not 'Scotland will the! 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